Pink Panther - ~1986

by T. P Speer

made by Stave Puzzles

10.5 × 10.5 inches - 203 hand-cut pieces from 0.25 inch plywood

This jigsaw is a custom cut by Stave in 1990 from art by T. P. Speer used in one of his high-quality calenders. To say the Speer's art is unusual is a huge understatement. Stave named it.

The silhouettes (Stave's name for whimsies) are very appropriate for the artwork. There is color-line cutting (cutting precisely between two different colors), around the moon. Two of the silhouettes are the names of our children in script.

A bit of jigsaw trivia. They are not cut with jigsaws. They are cut by lasers or scroll saws. I know of one maker from at least 25 years ago that used a water jet. Laser-cut puzzles can be very good. Liberty, for example. But a puzzle cut with a scroll saw by someone who knows what they are doing is very special. The difference in price can be 20X, or more.

If you pick up a completed laser-cut puzzle by the edge, pieces fall apart, not all of them, but a lot. If you do this for a scroll-cut puzzles, the entire puzzle can often remain intact if it's not too big. Taking a scroll-cut puzzle apart is done piece by piece.