Coral Reef - 2014

by Raul del Rio

made by Liberty Puzzles

7.75 × 23.75 inches - 384 pieces laser-cut pieces from 0.25 inch plywood

Raul del Rio is a contemporary artist living in California. This is one skinny puzzle! Normally, I make a quick sort of the pieces by color groups, the whimsies and pieces with an unusual shape, which generally indicates they fit into a whimsy or other unusual shape. Then I do what I can making clumps. When I'm "stuck", I re-sort based I what I know, and repeat. For this puzzle I didn't bother to sort at all. Instead, I pulled out pieces that were obviously for one fish and pieces that could be part of it. After completing one fish, I did another, and finally hooked them all together based on the color surrounding them. It took about 3 1/2 hours. There is one tricky section. See if you can find it.

Coral Reef


Coral Reef